Episode 7: The transition to motherhood, with Dr Guin Webster

Emily and Katherine are joined by Dr Guin Webster for this episode of The Motherkind Café podcast. Guin is a clinical psychologist and mindfulness teacher, and one of the original founders of The Motherkind Café. She has also worked in many roles supporting women in the perinatal period, is a qualified postnatal group facilitator, setContinue reading “Episode 7: The transition to motherhood, with Dr Guin Webster”

Episode 6: Jules’ story

Trigger warning: Please note in this podcast, our peer supporter Jules talks about the traumatic experience she had in hospital giving birth to her son Archer. Please proceed with care if you think you may find it upsetting to listen to.   Jules tells us her birth story, which took a dramatic turn when she hadContinue reading “Episode 6: Jules’ story”