In this episode of the podcast, Motherkind Café coordinators Katherine Crawford, Emily Malden, and Jules Pidgeon are joined by local mum Heather, who gave birth to her second baby in May 2021, to discuss loneliness in motherhood and how the pandemic has affected Heather’s experience of second-time motherhood. Pre-warning: there is brief discussion of suicidalContinue reading “Episode 11: Loneliness in motherhood”
Tag Archives: podcast
Episode 10: The mental load at Christmas
Happy Christmas from The Motherkind Café! In this episode the four Motherkind Café coordinators Emily Malden, Katherine Crawford, Kats Handel and Julia Pidgeon talk about all the extra pressures on mums at Christmas, and how we all manage those responsibilities for our family. Join us on a meandering, wine-accompanied conversation through how we each createContinue reading “Episode 10: The mental load at Christmas”
Episode 9: The power of words – Breastfeeding loss and poetry with Kate Thirlwall
For episode 9 of the podcast, Motherkind Café coordinators Katherine Crawford and Emily Malden are joined by Kate Thirlwall, a local mum and poet, who has written 4 poetry collections reflecting on her experience of the highs and lows of motherhood. Kate talks honestly about how past trauma and an experience in hospital shortly afterContinue reading “Episode 9: The power of words – Breastfeeding loss and poetry with Kate Thirlwall”
Episode 5: Christmas!
Happy Christmas from Motherkind HQ! This is episode 5 of The Motherkind Cafe Podcast, recorded a few days before Christmas in 2020, a year none of us will ever forget. [WARNING: We do several swears, so probably not ideal listening if there are children around who can understand bad words…] This episode we chatted aboutContinue reading “Episode 5: Christmas!”